7 research outputs found

    Construção de confiança e transparência militar na UNASUL: avanços e desafios

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    The present article analyzes the UNASUR agenda on military transparency, and discusses the following questions: How did the South American agenda of military transparency emerge? What does the promotion of military transparency mean to UNASUR members? What challenges do South American states face in developing this agenda? To make progress, it is necessary to institutionalize the agenda of military transparency, promote transparency within each South-American state, and prioritize the solution of geopolitical controversies that involve some states in the region.Considerando o primeiro Registro Sul-Americano de Gastos Agregados em Defesa 2006-2010, este artigo analisa as seguintes questões: como se constituiu a agenda sul-americana de transparência militar? Que significado os membros da UNASUL atribuem à promoção da transparência militar? Quais são os desafios para o desenvolvimento dessa agenda

    Desenvolvimento de capim-limão (Cymbopogon citratus DC. Stapf) com doses de composto orgânico oriundo de lodo de esgoto urbano e produção de óleo essencial

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    O aproveitamento de resíduos tem apresentado uma grande importância na busca da minimização dos problemas ambientais. Verificase que nas áreas urbanas, um dos principais agentes poluidores de águas são os esgotos, que na maioria das vezes são lançados diretamente em corpos hídricos. Porém, com o devido tratamento deste, conseguese com que haja o retorno aos mananciais com um grau de pureza satisfatório, mas ainda há a geração de um resíduo poluente através deste tratamento, o chamado lodo de esgoto. Uma das opções para destinação deste lodo é a sua utilização na agricultura devido ao seu alto teor de matéria orgânica e nutrientes. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo geral o aproveitamento de lodo de esgoto para o cultivo de capimlimão (Cymbopogon citratus DC. Stapf) e produção de óleo essencial. Diferentes proporções de composto orgânico, formado pelo lodo de esgoto e por resíduos de poda urbana, foram utilizados em diferentes doses (5, 10, 20, 40 e 60 t.ha1) mais a testemunha, e foram analisadas as características de fertilidade do composto e do solo que foi cultivado, o rendimento, teor e componentes do óleo produzido, a qualidade microbiológica da planta, o teor de clorofila e os nutrientes finais do solo e da planta. Ao final do período de 6 meses de cultivo, as plantas foram coletadas e analisadas. A adição do composto a orgânico aumentou os teores de nutrientes importantes para o desenvolvimento da cultura, tanto no solo de cultivo quanto na planta, principalmente o nitrogênio (N), e isto influenciou positivamente a produção de perfilhos, biomassa fresca e seca, clorofila nas plantas e o rendimento e teor do óleo essencial. Porém observouse que o composto orgânico não tem influência direta nos componentes químicos do óleo. Para o estudo microbiológico concluise que o capimlimão produzido se encontrou dentro das normas estabelecidas pela ANVISA sobre padrões microbiológicos para alimentos. Concluindose assim que o composto produzido a partir da utilização de lodo de esgoto e resíduos vegetais trouxe benefícios para o desenvolvimento e produção de óleo essencial do capimlimão.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - FAPERJ.The waste recovery has shown a great importance in the pursuit of minimizing environmental problems. It is found that in urban areas, one of the main pollutants of water is sewage, which most often are released directly into water bodies. However, with the proper treatment of this, it is possible that there is a return to the sources with a satisfactory degree of purity, but there are still generating a polluting waste through this treatment, called sewage sludge. One of the options for disposal of this sludge is used in agriculture due to its high content of organic matter and nutrients. Thus, this study aimed to the sewage sludge utilization for the lemon grass cultivation (Cymbopogon citratus DC. Stapf) and essential oil production. Different proportions of organic compound formed by sewage sludge and waste urban pruning, were used in different doses (5, 10, 20, 40 and 60 t ha1) plus the control, and fertility characteristics were analyzed and the compound was cultivated soil, the yield strength of the produced oil components and the microbiological quality of the plant, chlorophyll content and the final soil nutrients and plant. At the end of 6 months of cultivation, the plants were collected and analyzed. The addition of the organic compound to increase the levels of important nutrients for crop development, both in soil and in plant cultivation, particularly nitrogen (N), and that positively influence the production of tillers, fresh and dry biomass, chlorophyll in the plants and the yield and essential oil content. However, it was observed that the organic compound has no direct influence on the chemical components of the oil. For microbiological study concluded that the lemongrass produced met within the standards set by ANVISA on microbiological standards for food. In conclusion is thus that the compound produced from the use of plant waste and sewage sludge has benefited from the development and production of essential oil of lemongrass72 p

    Essential oil production of lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) under organic compost containing sewage sludge

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    ABSTRACT One of the main urban polluting agents are the sewers, which even with proper treatment end up generating a polluting waste, the sewage sludge. One of the options for the disposal of this sludge is the use in agriculture, due to its high content of organic matter and nutrients. This study aimed to use urban sewage sludge for lemongrass cultivation and essential oil production. The plants were grown in soil containing different organic compost doses (0, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 60 t ha-1), formed from the sewage sludge composting process and waste of urban vegetation pruning. At harvest, plants were analyzed for the concentration of nutrients, chlorophyll content, number of tillers, biomass production, essential oil content and the microbiological quality of the leaves. The results showed that the addition of the compost increased the levels of nutrients in the plants, mainly nitrogen, positively influencing the production of tillers, biomass, chlorophyll contents, yield and essential oil content

    The role of Taiwaness Enterprises in the Econoical development of Mainland China - A Trilateral Theory Perspective

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    Extrinsic functional connectivity of the default mode network in crack-cocaine users

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    <div><p>Abstract Objective: This study aimed to explore the functional connectivity of the default mode network (DMN) in crack-cocaine users, in comparison with that observed in age-matched non-drug-using controls. Materials and Methods: Inpatient crack-cocaine users who had been abstinent for at least four weeks and age-matched non-drug-using controls underwent resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging. Images were acquired while the subjects rested with their eyes closed. After data preprocessing, DMNs were defined by spatial independent component analysis and seed-based correlation analysis, by chosen regions of interest centered in the ventral anterior cingulate cortex and in the posterior cingulate cortex. Results: The functional connectivity of the DMN determined by independent component analysis did not differ between the crack-cocaine users and the controls. However, the seed-based correlation analysis seeking a single metric of functional connectivity between specific brain regions showed that the negative connectivity between the ventral anterior cingulate cortex and the left superior parietal lobule was significantly greater in the crack-cocaine users than in the controls. Conclusion: The results suggest that selective extrinsic network connectivity of the DMN related to motor and executive function is impaired during crack-cocaine addiction.</p></div